Class ship C++ program


Class ship C++ program:

Create a class called ship that incorporates a ship’s number and location. Use the approach of Question 4 to number each ship object as it is created. Use two variables of the angle class from Question 3 to represent the ship’s latitude and longitude. A member function of the ship class should get a position from the user and store it in the object; another should report the serial number and position. Write a main() program that creates three ships, asks the user to input the position of each, and then displays each ship’s number and position.


Class ship c++ program

Codes of Program:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class angles



            float degree;

            float min;

            char direc;

            void getdata()


                        cout << "Enter the angle value between (180 and 0): " << endl;

                        cin >> degree;

                        cout << "now enter the minutes (1-60)" << endl;

                        cin >> min;

                        cout << "enter the direction (w,e,s,n)" << endl;

                        cin >> direc;



class ship


            int serial;


            angles longitude, latitude;

            void intial();



                        static int count;


                        serial = count;


            void set_value();

            void get_loc();

            void print(angles longt, angles litit);


void ship::get_loc()


            angles inp;

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)




                                    if (inp.direc == 'w' || inp.direc == 'e')

                                    longitude = inp;

                                    else if (inp.direc == 'n' || inp.direc == 's')

                                    latitude = inp;




void ship::print(angles longt, angles litit)


            cout << "The ship serial number is :" << serial << endl;

            cout << "and it's position is :" << endl;

            cout << " "<< << '\xF8' << latitude.min << " " << latitude.direc << " Latitute " << endl;

            cout << " "<< << '\xF8' << longt.min << " " << longt.direc << " Longtitute" << endl;


int main()


            ship obj[3];

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)


                        if (i == 0)

                        cout << "Location of ship 1 :" << endl;

                        else if (i == 1)

                        cout << "Location of ship 2 :" << endl;

                        else if (i == 2)

                        cout << "Location of ship 3 is:" << endl;



            for (int i = 0; i < 3;i++)

            obj[i].print(obj[i].longitude, obj[i].latitude);


Out put of Program:

Class Ship

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