Program to Calculate GPA and CGPA in java


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Program to Calculate GPA and CGPA in java

How to calculate GPA and CGPA in java?

import java.util.*;

public class CGPA_3rd_Semster


 public static void main(String[] args) 


 Scanner obj = new Scanner(;

 double ds,eng,discrete,network,hrm;

    System.out.print("\t\t***___Created By Jhangir Mughal___***");

 System.out.print("\n\nEnter Data Structure Gpa:> ");


    System.out.print("Enter Discrete Structure Gpa:> ");


    System.out.print("Enter Network Gpa:> ");


 System.out.print("Enter HRm Gpa:> ");


 System.out.print("Enter Critical Reading and Academic Writing Gpa:> ");


 double gpads,gpaeng,gpadis,gpanet,gpahr;






 double totalGpa,tcredhr=16;


 double finalGpA;


 System.out.print("\nYour Gpa Is:> " +finalGpA);

 double Gpa1st,credhr1st;

 System.out.print("\n\nEnter your First Semester Gpa:> ");


System.out.print("Enter your 1st Semester Credit Hours:> ");


 double Gpa2nd, credhr2nd;

 System.out.print("\n\nEnter your 2nd Semester Gpa:> ");


 System.out.print("Enter your 2nd Semester Credit Hours:> ");


 double firstSem,secSem,thirdSem;




 double CGPA_2ndsem,T3rd_CGPA;


 System.out.print("\nYour CGPA in 2nd semester:> "+CGPA_2ndsem);



System.out.print("\n\nYour CGPA in 3rd semester:>>> "+T3rd_CGPA);



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